The Winnebago Area Literacy Council (WALC) strengthens our diverse community
by developing and delivering free learner-centered literacy programs for adults and their families.

Our Vision:
Through our influence, the Winnebago area will be known for valuing, promoting, and supporting literacy so that our residents achieve sustained independence and truly thrive.

Our Values:
WALC is grounded in a Value System in which we believe deeply and with which we strive to uphold in every act and decision we make. An engaged, compassionate and literate community is grounded in equality, mutual respect, and teamwork. We create opportunities for sustained independence by promoting self-worth and fostering family well-being through life-long learning.

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Winnebago Area Literacy Council

16 hours 2 minutes ago

We are less than a week away from the first in our new Immigration Learning Circle monthly series. Join us next Wednesday for Immigration 101

Winnebago Area Literacy Council

2 days 17 hours ago

Interns Kathryn and Poquito working hard today!

Winnebago Area Literacy Council

3 days 15 hours ago

Since October, WALC has been teaching Workplace Literacy at Amcor with over 60 learners attending the onsite weekly classes Last week Chu, Trent, and teachers