Every gift directly impacts our learners and helps us achieve our mission to strengthen our diverse community by developing and delivering free learner-centered literacy programs for adults and their families.

The community we serve is growing quickly this year, and we would love to hire more teachers and provide more classes.

If you are able to support us, please click above to make a donation, OR contact us directly with your gift: (920) 573-5057 | thompson@winlit.org

If you are looking for other ways to help us deliver free learner-centered literacy programs

for adults & their families, please see below:

Support Winnebago Area Literacy Council far into the future with a planned gift.  Ensure WALC’s legacy, by making it part of your own personal legacy:

  • Wills or living trusts
  • Retirement plan beneficiary designations
  • Life insurance beneficiary designations or unneeded policies
  • Joint account beneficiary designations
  • Charitable gift annuities
  • Stock
  • Real estate

If you would like to make our organization a part of your personal legacy, you can you this form:

WALC is working to increase its endowment fund in order to become self-sustaining. Our endowment is managed by the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation. To make a donation directly to our endowment send the donation to the OACF indicating that you wish the donation to go the Winnebago Area Literacy Council.

Our volunteers are very dear to us as they make all we do possible. Please consider volunteering your time, talents or treasures:

  • Become a tutor
  • Help with community outreach 
  • Assist in classes
  • Translation
  • Help at special events
  • Be a greeter at our WALC Learning Center
  • Assist with mock interviews

If you are interested, you can fill out our volunteer form here: Volunteer Inquiry

We are grateful to employers that support their employees’ benevolent choices. Check with your employer to find out if they have any of the following practices:

  • Donation match to a nonprofit organization
  • Volunteer hours grants
  • Time off to serve on a Board of Directors
  • Event sponsorships

You can view a partial list of employers who have provided such benefits in the past here: Matching Gifts
Please let us know if we can update our list with your employer.

Winnebago Area Literacy Council depends on the kind hearts of our donors and sponsors for our survival. Consider sponsoring Spellbound For Literacy – our only annual fundraising event. This can be a financial sponsorship, or in-kind donations of auction and raffle items. Event sponsorship gives your organization exposure, helps our non-profit, and shows your support of literacy in our community. For information about sponsorships, please email: tracy@winlit.org

We are always happy to receive donations for our offices:

  • Grocery store gift cards for purchasing snacks
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Paper towels
  • Kleenex
  • 5 ML heat lamination pockets
  • Calendars

Thank You!

or contact us: (920) 573-5057 | thompson@winlit.org