Each year we publish the winning Mark Gruenwald Comic Book Creation Challenge Winners in a complication book. Time and again we are awed by the creativity, imagination, and talent of our participants. Thank you to all of you for your contributions, and for sharing your stories.

The 2023 Winners:

Our 2023 Sidekicks Winning Entry:

Our 2023 Heroes Winning Entry:

Our 2023 Superheroes Winning Entry:

Our 2023 Eternals Winning Entry:

Our 2023 Celestials Winning Entry:

Our 2023 Incredibles Winning Entry:

The 2022 Winners:

Our 2022 Sidekicks Winning Entry:

Our 2022 Heroes Winning Entry:

Our 2022 Superheroes Winning Entry

Our 2022 Celestials Winning Entry

The Mark Gruenwald Comic Book Creation Challenge was est. 2019 in Oshkosh, WI