Create your own story! Win incredible prizes! Open to all ages!
The Mark Gruenwald Comic Book Creation Challenge is a creative writing/art contest inspired by the comic book legend Mark Gruenwald – Oshkosh Native and creator of Captain America, as well as numerous other characters.
This challenge is open to all ages and starts on May 6th – Free Comic Book Day! Challengers can go solo or work in teams of up to four to complete a comic book by the August 31st deadline. Winners receive prizes AND their comic will be printed in our 2023 compilation booklet! There are different page and word requirements depending on your age, so make sure to check the categories and guidelines below.
SO – If you’re ready to get started, all you have to do is register! You can register in person starting on May 6th thru August 1st, 2023 at the Oshkosh Public Library or House of Heroes Comics. You can also register online – and if you would like to claim your free art kit simply show your registration confirmation email at either of those locations. It’s that easy!
(Registration for the 2023 Challenge has been closed)

The World Needs Heroes.
Ours are our Sponsors.
Thank you to all of the 2023 sponsors that made this comic book challenge possible:

The Mark Gruenwald Comic Book Creation Challenge was est. 2019 in Oshkosh, WI